"The life given us by nature is short, but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." ~Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)

Let's begin with mobile devices...to get the most out of your data plan here are some simple tips to consider:
1. Disable push notifications - they consume data that you are paying for
2. Use FaceTime® not Skype™ - Skype is typically a large data consumer with no controls to accept a lower data speed
3. Use OceanPhone® Mobile - it is designed for Maritime
4. Disable Facebook Video Autoplay - changing Facebook settings to not autoplay videos on your feed will save you a lot of data
5. Disable App Updating - Updates should wait until port. It is not recommended to turn off AntiVirus software
6. Download heavy files while in port - in port the WiFi signal is faster than satellite at sea
7. Use mobile friendly sites - they are designed to load faster and consume less data. Type "m" instead of "www"
8. Use Spotify® Premium - save your playlists and use an offline version of Spotify
9. Use Opera™ Mini/Skyfire browsers - Opera Mini and Skyfire are designed to minimize data used (iOS users only)
For additional information visit connectatsea.com and for other great travel tips visit Reid's Resources
800.248.8404 ~ www.reidtravel.com ~ mail@reidtravel.com
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